Features and Benefits
Safety Features
- Protective gears for workers
- Clearly marked passageway and exits
- Separate spot removing room with exhaust fan
- Boiler room surrounded by 20 inch thick concrete wall which is outside of the premises
- Needle-guard for every sewing machine for Standby Generator (220 KVA) Fire Fighting and Escaping Mechanisms
Fire alarm switches located on every floor (both side of the exit)
- Fire-extinguishers are checked in every month and operating instructions are in placed beside it
- All of the employees are provided with fire-fighting training in a regular basis (monthly)
- Clear fire exits signs illuminated with IPS backup, in case of power failure
- Two fire exits located in every floor
Security Features
- Barbed wired all along the factory walls Secure warehouse and logistic support for safe storage of fabric,
- accessories and finished goods
- Well trained security personnel
Employees Benefits
- No excess overtime
- Payable Maternity leave benefit for 4 months according to Bangladesh labor law
- Inside medical facilities with full-time Doctor, Nurse and 1 bed for every 100 workers
- Two Festival bonus for all races and religion
- Safe drinking water for all employees
- Children room with a bathroom
- Canteen with sitting arrangement for 30% of the workforce
- Clean & congenial working environment
- Leave policy according to Bangladesh labor law and payment for unused leave
- Sufficient air circulation and lightings for better environment
- First aid box and medical transportation when require
Other Benefits
- Cooling Exhaust fan system to provide a comfortable environment for workers
- Basic safety training including fire fighting and first aid.
- Separate clean toilets for male and female with liquid soap and hand dryers
- Lockers for all employees to keep their valuables
- Employee notice board to keep them aware of their rights and latest news of the company
- PA system is used to make announcements when necessary
- 2% of the workers are well trained in using CPR
- Floor mats to all chair less jobs to support backbone
- Training center for providing necessary education to employee